Friday, July 13, 2007

Jordan trip

Last weeked we went to Petra, Jordan with three friends from my work - Julien, Michele and Eugene. And occasionally we choosed probably the best date in the century to visit Petra, the 07/07/07, the day when new 7 wonders of the world election had happen. Petra was one of the candidates and fairly took second place in the list immediatelly after the Great Wall in China. So we were very excited about fireworks and the celebration happeing around.

Julien took fantastic picture of the celebration event at end of the day:

The Petra is awesome and if I would not miss the voting I definitelly would vote for Petra in new world's wonders election! So we woke up early morning 6 AM and went to the site. We took english speaking guide for first half of the day and the guy took us over non usual way through Petra. We had to climb a bit and not used any of roads but it was really worth it, we managed to see Petra from a way most of the touirists don't see.

So here we are:

From right to left (remember, Israel): Julien, Michele, me and Eugene.

We entered through the main gate, climbed on the rock instead of walking on the road and seen the city from some altitude. After the guide left us we climbed all the way to the Monastery and seen a views toward the dead sea. Michele, as a beautiful girl, drove continuous attention of local male population (even got a Petra T-shirt as a gift) so we also enjoyed some part of it. The jordanians were very friendly although they probably knew we are israelis. Ok, Julien is a French and Michele is American and we with Eugene were Russians and spoke each other only english, but come on ... it is written on my face where I actually came from :)

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